10 Days to Your Plant-Powered Kitchen

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Have you ever been interested in eating more plant-based, but didn’t know where to start? Do you want to feel healthier and eat more nutritious food? I have created 10 Days to Your Plant-Powered Kitchen JUST for you so you can eat your plants and enjoy them too!

Maybe you’ve tried every diet under the sun, but you couldn’t apply it to your lifestyle. Trust me, I’ve been there. When I found plant-based eating, I was amazed at the positive results: I loved cooking more than ever, the food was delicious (and cheaper!), and I felt vibrant and healthy.

Sounds good? Take this plant-powered challenge!

Throughout the 10 days of the challenge, I will encourage you to try new recipes or foods and invest a little bit of time into your own health (and your family’s). I believe sometimes we need to step out of our comfort zones to discover something truly amazing. Don’t be afraid to try a new vegetable or cook without a recipe – it’s all part of the fun!

Some of the topics we will discuss are meal prepping, fun recipes, budgeting, and eating at restaurants. Plus, you will also get access to The Plant-Powered Community, a private Facebook group where we can all share about our journeys, successes and struggles. Having a supportive community makes healthy living so much easier – and more fun!

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10 Days to Your Plant-Powered Kitchen

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